Friday 2 May 2014

"And it Was Night" - JPII Canonization (Part 2): The Mission

It was night.

Author with His Cross on the Via della Conciliazione - Vatican City

The stars were out and under them we were gathered in our Mission Parish. For several hours the Eucharist was adored not far from the relics of the two Saints-to-be: John XXIII and John Paul II. 

Relics of St. John Paul the Great

The missionaries had gone out filling hearts with joy and enthusiasm to celebrate something great, something really beautiful. 

Woman in Adoration

The missionaries went out to rile the crowds of JPII lovers and invite them to Confession, Adoration, and to venerate the Relics of the two Saints-to-be. Some of those participating came to join with us in the singing and dancing. It was a beautiful night. 

LC Brothers singing

Father and Daughter venerating a relic of St. John Paul

Br. Vincenz with Cross

"Reporting from Piazza Navona"

Street Missionary

Br. David Parker in Piazza Navona

a Latin-American beat

2-on-2 with the Bros.

Eucharistic Adoration

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