Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Summit to Pray

Gran Sasso, Abruzzo National Park

Dear Friends,

On Sunday I will be climbing Gran Sasso, the tallest mountain in the Appenine Mountain Range. At 9554ft (2900m) it will be the highest peak I will have attempted. I am hoping to summit at 12pm regional time (6am Eastern US-Canada Time).

I hope to make this climb-pilgrimage to pray for several intentions and for several causes.

Here are a few:

- For Leah, the youngest and newest member of my extended family
- For my mom and my brother Andrew
- For our new Pope Francis
- For all Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi members

If you would like me to climb for a cause or a prayer intention please send them to me. For the FB event click here. To email me the intention click here.
Thank you!
in Christ, Brother John Choi LC
PS: Here below are a few more images of Gran Sasso


Saturday, 20 April 2013

Quo Vadis?

At the beginning of a journey someone asks the adventurer, "Quo Vadis? - Where to?"

This is what I have entitled my blog because in these words there is more than just the idea of terminal destiny within reach at the level of the here and now. Henry Sienkiewicz's celebrated novel retells the journey of the conversion of a noble Roman, who having fallen in love with a Christian girl, discovers his need to have a change of heart. Set in Ancient Rome we discover the genesis of the primitive Christian community with Peter at the helm. Facing the rising persecution and capture of Christians Peter is faced with the dilemma of escaping Rome.

"Quo Vadis?" Jesus to Peter

In the drama of this chaos Peter decides to escape. Along the Via Appia he meets Jesus and asks, "Quo Vadis, Domine? - Where are you going, Lord?". According to the legend Jesus answers, "I am going to Rome to be crucified again" (Eo Romam iterum crucifigi).

These words are at the center of my heart. It is the question which every person, regardless of age, sex, creed or background has deep withing. Where am I going? What was I made for? To whom am I going?

On this day we celebrate Pope Benedict's election anniversary in 2005 and just one month ago Pope Francis was elected to the pontificate. Peter is a mystery. He is proof of what God can do with what the world would consider 'insufficient prime matter'. The choleric fisherman Jew became leader of a spiritual Way that continues to be, in my mind and heart, 'leaven' in this massive world. I have no doubt in my mind Jim Collins would never have considered including Peter as a 'Top 10 CEO'.

Nor should he have. Because the Church is not a business. It is a family.

I wrote in my profile that I wanted to one day "become a saint" and someone commented saying, "We're already saints". Well that's my greatest aspiration. To be a part of this family and to live my life knowing that I might not even be "Good" (as according to Collins) but that I can still nonetheless become "Great" in God's eyes.

In the end Peter returned to Rome and offered his life on the Cross and I've since changed my profile to: "Proud member of the Communion of Saints...aspiring to become a Permanent Member"

PS: the TEDx conference went well it's not every day you meet Gloria Estefan (not only that speaking about her faith) and a Princess of Kuwait...

Monday, 15 April 2013

America, Rome and when Pride Hurts

It was one of those Tuesdays with Morrie moments, except it was a Sunday. I was invited by a philosophy prof. and mentor to see a Titian exihibit and parts of Rome I hadn't seen before. Tuesdays with Morrie, a book I had read in 6th grade, tells the story of a pupil going to consult his college philosophy prof., Morrie. Morrie is a Socrates figure. He takes the place of the sage in the life of the author, whose name escapes my memory, reminding him of life's purpose and direction in the midst of unemployment and confusion.

bust of Socrates

As we drew closer to the metro entrance I saw an advertisement that I didn't think I'd come across. It was an advertisement of Scary Movie 5. The memories of wasting my childhood on movies such as this (I watched the first one) came to mind and if in those years the film quality was at best "questionable". The movie in question is now no better with a washed-out cast including Charlie Sheen, Snoop Dog, and other middle-age no shows.

Scary Movie 5

I said in a whisper that I didn't think prof. Socrates would hear, "I used to be proud of being an American...there are times when I am embarrassed."

He replied in Italian as usual, without a moments hesitation, in his courtly French accent, "Now, don't forget that the United States saved the world's freedom twice, once from Hitler, another time from Stalin..."

I coiled back...

What is it that the United States can offer a depressed Europe and World not so Flat in today's day and age?

Having spent quite a bit of time in Europe thus far I was reminded that at times Europeans think we Americans are Extraterrestrials...but beyond the facade of Fortune 500, Fastfood, and US Firepower is the fact that a few men several hundred years ago crossed the Atlantic in search of a place where they could find Religious Freedom.

After hearing about the case of Mother Teresa's Nuns being kicked out of a soup kitchen in Miami for not having "proper licenses" (I didn't know you needed one). I feel that the US is beginning to forget the heart of its own message within its own borders. In a world where 72% of the world's population continues without substantial religious liberties (Pew Research) I feel that the singlemost powerful contribution that the Land of the Brave can offer is exactly that, RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.

This Friday I will be attending my first TED talk. The TEDx that has been organized has as its theme: Religious Freedom Today. Speakers include: a Priest, a Nun, an Astronomer, a Sociologist, an NBA player, and a singer, Gloria Estefan. I hope I can garner knowledge from the various speakers at hand and see what it is that we can learn from voices from different continents, religions and cultures.


If you have nothing to do and happen to be next to the Vatican...you're invited. Otherwise check it out on youtube..

PS: Good News, the Nuns were let back in the Soup Kitchen.