Saturday, 20 April 2013

Quo Vadis?

At the beginning of a journey someone asks the adventurer, "Quo Vadis? - Where to?"

This is what I have entitled my blog because in these words there is more than just the idea of terminal destiny within reach at the level of the here and now. Henry Sienkiewicz's celebrated novel retells the journey of the conversion of a noble Roman, who having fallen in love with a Christian girl, discovers his need to have a change of heart. Set in Ancient Rome we discover the genesis of the primitive Christian community with Peter at the helm. Facing the rising persecution and capture of Christians Peter is faced with the dilemma of escaping Rome.

"Quo Vadis?" Jesus to Peter

In the drama of this chaos Peter decides to escape. Along the Via Appia he meets Jesus and asks, "Quo Vadis, Domine? - Where are you going, Lord?". According to the legend Jesus answers, "I am going to Rome to be crucified again" (Eo Romam iterum crucifigi).

These words are at the center of my heart. It is the question which every person, regardless of age, sex, creed or background has deep withing. Where am I going? What was I made for? To whom am I going?

On this day we celebrate Pope Benedict's election anniversary in 2005 and just one month ago Pope Francis was elected to the pontificate. Peter is a mystery. He is proof of what God can do with what the world would consider 'insufficient prime matter'. The choleric fisherman Jew became leader of a spiritual Way that continues to be, in my mind and heart, 'leaven' in this massive world. I have no doubt in my mind Jim Collins would never have considered including Peter as a 'Top 10 CEO'.

Nor should he have. Because the Church is not a business. It is a family.

I wrote in my profile that I wanted to one day "become a saint" and someone commented saying, "We're already saints". Well that's my greatest aspiration. To be a part of this family and to live my life knowing that I might not even be "Good" (as according to Collins) but that I can still nonetheless become "Great" in God's eyes.

In the end Peter returned to Rome and offered his life on the Cross and I've since changed my profile to: "Proud member of the Communion of Saints...aspiring to become a Permanent Member"

PS: the TEDx conference went well it's not every day you meet Gloria Estefan (not only that speaking about her faith) and a Princess of Kuwait...

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