Thursday, 16 January 2014

Best Photos of October, November, December 2013

Dear Friends,

I would like to share the best of my photography from October, November, December of 2013. It has been in the works for some time now. I apologize for its tardiness and the extended amount of "Best Photos" this time around. I promise to keep it to a minimum next around. I hope that the Christmas spirit doesn't wear off too quickly and that you have a Happy New Year! 

in Christ, Brother John LC


Creative Commons License
Best Photos of October, November, December 2013 by Legion of Christ\John Choi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Best Photos of October, November, December 2013

If we want to advance in the spiritual life, then, we must constantly be missionaries. The work of evangelization enriches the mind and the heart; it opens up spiritual horizons; it makes us more and more sensitive to the workings of the Holy Spirit, and it takes us beyond our limited spiritual constructs. (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 272)


Assisi from above

Basilica of St. Clare

Assisi from below

Assisi from St. Clare

Sunset from the Seminary

Special Group shot of Regnum Christi Movement (Legionaries behind)

Sacred Art

"If, as Saint Augustine says, we love only that which is beautiful,[131] the incarnate Son, as the revelation of infinite beauty, is supremely lovable and draws us to himself with bonds of love. So a formation in the via pulchritudinis ought to be part of our effort to pass on the faith." (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 167)

Transverberation of St. Theresa of Jesus (Bernini)
Our Lady of Victory - Rome, Italy

Confession, Door of the Sacraments - (Crocetti, 1965)

Altar Boy - Eucharist, Door of the Sacraments (Crocetti, 1965)

St. John of God - St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican City

Life in the Legion of Christ

“Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction” (Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas est, n.1)

Br. Jonathon Flemmings gives a speech at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum

Guido Traversa, Philosopher

Regnum Christi Italy at their annual "Workshop" 

Br. Michael Luhrmann's Million-dollar smile

Madrid or Barcelona? - Spanish Brothers together for a snapshot

Fr. Daniel Massick praying the rosary at the Cemetery

Br. Felipe Rivas

Remembering the forgotten - grave of the poor Flaminio, Rome

Time to Talk


Pope Francis in prayer

Bishop Fernando Vergez LC preaches the homily in his first Mass

Bishop Fernando Vergez LC at work

Our Blessed Mother

Thanksgiving pie-making

Honey bees

Honey bees 2

 "Who's on First?"

Gregor brothers doing the "Who's on First" Abbot-Costello gig

Fr. Thomas Montanaro in prayer

Priestly Ordinations

Cardinal de Paolis before Mass

Cardinal de Paolis - Processing out

Prostration during the Ordination Rite

Fr. Matthew Schneider basking in Glory
Fr. Zachary Dominguez receives the gifts during his first mass from his parents

Friends and Brothers together after a First Mass

Lunch for the Poor


Professions Mass

Rays of Light

Group of Professions

"The Violist"


Heading out for a Church-a-thon

St. Peter's by dawn

St. Peter on his throne - Basilica of St. Peter

"I Love you"

In the Mirror - Br. Thomas Ward (St. Andrea della Valle Church - Rome, Italy)
Ceiling St. Andrea della Valle

Ceiling of a Roman Church

Our Lady of Fatima

St. Benedict's Cell while he lived in Rome

A Roman Wedding

a Roman Church

Br. Daniel Carter before a sculptures reflecting death

The Gesù Church

In the mirror - Br. Derek Spiele, Fr. Jason Brooks, Br. Michael Baggot

The Eye of the Pantheon

Team shot

The Italian Food Experience

Coffee at St. Eustacchio

Roman Cat

St. Matthew (Caravaggio)

Immaculate Mary - Altar where St. Maximilian Kolbe celebrated his first Mass


Christmas Dinner

Christmas Mass

The LC Choir at work

The RC Consecrated choir

Br. Vincenz directing the fold

Baby Adoring Child Jesus

Mangers Scene at the seminary


Virgin with Child (Giotto)

La Porziuncola from a distance

Assisi (Twin Cities with San Francisco, Bethlehem, Santiago de Compostela)

Assisi from the fields

Medici Fountains - La Porziuncula - Santa Maria deglia Angeli

Chapter Chapel of the Franciscans - Santa Maria degli Angeli

Italian Moments

O Mio Bambino...

"Litigare" - Talking with my hands

A Roman Holiday


  1. Br. John, I'm Marco Piccolo!! Great pictures! I miss you all, guys! God bless you and oremus ad invicem!!!

  2. Querido Hermano John: ¡¡Qué preciosidad de fotos!! ¡¡Qué finura!! Algunas son toda una oración. Felicidades. Voy a publicar esta galería en nuestro blog de Lo+RC España. Estas bellezas hay que compartirlas. Un gran abrazo y encantado de conocerle de esta forma,
    Fernando de Navascués

  3. Good to see familiar faces! God Bless you all!
    Charles Wenck
