Sponsor Me for the Church-a-thon
Me with a Legionary |
18 December 2013
Greetings from Rome! I hope that the Advent has brought along a deep desire for the Lord. In one week we will be celebrating the Lord's coming. To prepare for His coming this Christmas the Brothers of the Legion of Christ in Rome have decided to put together a Church-a-thon.
What's a "Church-a-thon"? (
It's an all-day pilgrimage throughout the City of Rome where we try to visit at least 25 Churches. Throughout the pilgrimage we pray for you and your loved ones as well as for ourselves. The act of Pilgrimage (something Pope Francis speaks about in his new Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium) is a life-long encounter with the Lord. We're doing it, in part because it's fun, but mainly because we "long to encounter Our Lord".
Click here for Church-a-thon March 2013 images. Since its beginning I have been the blessed photographer to capture some of the Roman scenery
Why am I asking you to Sponsor me?
It's also a way of asking for some help as our seminary and religious order depend mainly on donations. There are over 350 Legionaries of Christ that live under my roof so we can always use some help.
a typical night in our Chapel |
How can you sponsor me?
Please visit the site. I hope to be among the seminarians listed soon (I apologize since I registered late). Clicking under a seminarian brings you to our Seminary's website where a clearly detailed and secure way of donating is available.
A Thank you and God Bless!
In Christ, Brother John LC
Final Group shot |