Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Joy of Community: in the words of Fr. Alvaro Corcuera LC

These are notes that I took from Fr Alvaro's homily last Sunday which marked his nine years as General Superior for the Legion of Christ. These are merely notes which I took during the Homily so I have not quoted Fr. Alvaro but just tried to get clear ideas across in the form in which he said them.
Bishop Brian Farrell LC, Cardinal de Paolis, Fr. Alvaro - Inaugural Mass of the General Chapter
(Copyright Legion of Christ\John Choi)

Since last Sunday John Allen Jr., the 18 year expert Vaticanista for National Catholic Reporter (and just in a few days, The Boston Globe), reported that our new General Director has already been elected and that we are just awaiting the Pope's green light. The General Chapter website (and since when did General Chapter's have Twitter feeds any way?) hasn't said anything and it seems that with final exams this semester everyone is one edge and we'd believe just about anything. Whatever the case is...Let's see what the Holy Spirit cooks up.

Homily Notes:

Fr. Alvaro giving the Homily
(Copyright Legion of Christ)

"Joy to be in Community"

He approached the ambo with no notes and looking into the eyes of the Fathers and Brothers present in the congregation he began an emotionally charged homily. In the past year he has gained weight and lost hair. He has lost the youthful look without. His eyes, however, still retain the Good Shepherd gentleness within and I don't think that it's going to go away.
  • The most important event of our lives is the Eucharist.
  • I've had a great desire to be here at home" (Fr. Alvaro was rector the Legion's Center for Higher Studies for over two decades before being elected Superior General).
  • Thank you for your fidelity and your many messages. 
  • I would like to apologize for the failures [in the past] that have made you suffer. 
  • It's a Joy to be alongside Brothers, true Heroes.

He spoke about the great desire to be in community and the nostalgia he feels about being a part of this community in specific. He has mentioned in other times how much it had cost him to leave it to become Superior General leaving this Center of Formation. He also mentioned that we have been able to see the "Renewal" or "witness the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives". He also mentioned that in some ways all of us were part of the General Chapter that was going on near by.

  • St. John the Baptist's call for conversion is a personal call to conversion in which we are called to bring a Theological dimension into each of the happenings of life 
  • In the breviary St. Augustine comments that John the Baptist's calling was "to disappear". "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30)
  • Often, when our peace is robbed by pride and hatred, we rob the peace of others too.
  • John the Baptist disappeared for the Lord to appear.
  • In the end, what's it all for? 
  • To become Saints [that's what it's all for]!
  • All of us have enough opportunities to become Saints.
  • God detaches us from all things...even our hair"(he said this alluding to his own hair loss due to his brain cancer. Laughter in the congregation).
  • Detachment is a gift...Detachment from our own projects and passions. He wants to strip us down so that we can be renewed clothed again and become the New Man [in Christ] (cf. 2 Cor 5:17). 

We had been awaiting some news on the General Chapter and were on the edge of our pews to get some news. 

  • The General Chapter is going to go well. God will work. I'm sure that the Legion will go forward well.
  • Today we want to renew our vocation. To return to the First Love and to the first time you heard that calling. 
  • The "Yes" [to the vocation] must be sustained through freedom to do God's will. Yes, Lord, I desire it. Sometimes we don't feel great about ourselves. 
  • The "Yes" is a marvelous gift that must be renewed. The Church, the Movement, the Legion is His. Our human assurances may fall apart. What remains [in the end] is God.
  • Jesus was not a winner [on the Cross].

Fr. Alvaro greeting Br. Vazquez
(Copyright Legion of Christ\Joao Paulo Alves)

So nothing in particular about the General Chapter came out but then he did speak about himself even unjustly deriding himself "Egocentric" (egoista).

  • God called me to be a Saint. God's calling me to be what I should be an it's a Joy.
  • Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself". What would all this mean if we didn't love? Charity overcomes all things.
  • It's not about us. We have to love much. Our vocation is very much present in Our Blessed Mother. 
  • Think at times if what you do would please or sadden Her. 
  • What are we doing if we aren't renewing our calling with the perspective of Heaven? This perspective takes away our problems. If we Glory then we glory in the Cross (cf. Gal 6:14)

He concluded by explaining that he had been praying for the newly ordained priests of last December and that he continued offering his prayers for those who are to be ordained. He explained that he had seen a photo of the Pope looking at a panoramic group photo of Legionaries and Regnum Christi Members. 

Personally, I don't know who or when we will find out a General Director has been elected (and approved). God knows. I just know that whoever it is my desire is the same. I pledge allegiance to the Cross of Christ from which grace and mercy are poured out. Daily, as a community we have been praying for the Chapter Fathers who have the great responsibility to bring the Legion forward. God knows why, what, who and how things should him. One lesson I did learn from money was, "In God we Trust" and that expresses my attitude about it all.

Whatever happens my only desire is this: that the Legion always be authentically and wholly of Christ.

Professions Mass
(Copyright Legion of Christ\John Choi)

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Best Photos of October, November, December 2013

Dear Friends,

I would like to share the best of my photography from October, November, December of 2013. It has been in the works for some time now. I apologize for its tardiness and the extended amount of "Best Photos" this time around. I promise to keep it to a minimum next around. I hope that the Christmas spirit doesn't wear off too quickly and that you have a Happy New Year! 

in Christ, Brother John LC


Creative Commons License
Best Photos of October, November, December 2013 by Legion of Christ\John Choi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Best Photos of October, November, December 2013

If we want to advance in the spiritual life, then, we must constantly be missionaries. The work of evangelization enriches the mind and the heart; it opens up spiritual horizons; it makes us more and more sensitive to the workings of the Holy Spirit, and it takes us beyond our limited spiritual constructs. (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 272)


Assisi from above

Basilica of St. Clare

Assisi from below

Assisi from St. Clare

Sunset from the Seminary

Special Group shot of Regnum Christi Movement (Legionaries behind)

Sacred Art

"If, as Saint Augustine says, we love only that which is beautiful,[131] the incarnate Son, as the revelation of infinite beauty, is supremely lovable and draws us to himself with bonds of love. So a formation in the via pulchritudinis ought to be part of our effort to pass on the faith." (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 167)

Transverberation of St. Theresa of Jesus (Bernini)
Our Lady of Victory - Rome, Italy

Confession, Door of the Sacraments - (Crocetti, 1965)

Altar Boy - Eucharist, Door of the Sacraments (Crocetti, 1965)

St. John of God - St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican City

Life in the Legion of Christ

“Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction” (Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas est, n.1)

Br. Jonathon Flemmings gives a speech at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum

Guido Traversa, Philosopher

Regnum Christi Italy at their annual "Workshop" 

Br. Michael Luhrmann's Million-dollar smile

Madrid or Barcelona? - Spanish Brothers together for a snapshot

Fr. Daniel Massick praying the rosary at the Cemetery

Br. Felipe Rivas

Remembering the forgotten - grave of the poor Flaminio, Rome

Time to Talk


Pope Francis in prayer

Bishop Fernando Vergez LC preaches the homily in his first Mass

Bishop Fernando Vergez LC at work

Our Blessed Mother

Thanksgiving pie-making

Honey bees

Honey bees 2

 "Who's on First?"

Gregor brothers doing the "Who's on First" Abbot-Costello gig

Fr. Thomas Montanaro in prayer

Priestly Ordinations

Cardinal de Paolis before Mass

Cardinal de Paolis - Processing out

Prostration during the Ordination Rite

Fr. Matthew Schneider basking in Glory
Fr. Zachary Dominguez receives the gifts during his first mass from his parents

Friends and Brothers together after a First Mass

Lunch for the Poor


Professions Mass

Rays of Light

Group of Professions

"The Violist"


Heading out for a Church-a-thon

St. Peter's by dawn

St. Peter on his throne - Basilica of St. Peter

"I Love you"

In the Mirror - Br. Thomas Ward (St. Andrea della Valle Church - Rome, Italy)
Ceiling St. Andrea della Valle

Ceiling of a Roman Church

Our Lady of Fatima

St. Benedict's Cell while he lived in Rome

A Roman Wedding

a Roman Church

Br. Daniel Carter before a sculptures reflecting death

The Gesù Church

In the mirror - Br. Derek Spiele, Fr. Jason Brooks, Br. Michael Baggot

The Eye of the Pantheon

Team shot

The Italian Food Experience

Coffee at St. Eustacchio

Roman Cat

St. Matthew (Caravaggio)

Immaculate Mary - Altar where St. Maximilian Kolbe celebrated his first Mass


Christmas Dinner

Christmas Mass

The LC Choir at work

The RC Consecrated choir

Br. Vincenz directing the fold

Baby Adoring Child Jesus

Mangers Scene at the seminary


Virgin with Child (Giotto)

La Porziuncola from a distance

Assisi (Twin Cities with San Francisco, Bethlehem, Santiago de Compostela)

Assisi from the fields

Medici Fountains - La Porziuncula - Santa Maria deglia Angeli

Chapter Chapel of the Franciscans - Santa Maria degli Angeli

Italian Moments

O Mio Bambino...

"Litigare" - Talking with my hands

A Roman Holiday