Saturday, 4 April 2015

The King Rests - Holy Saturday

The Liturgy of the Hours reads an "Ancient Homily" from the Easter Vigil. It reads:
"What is happening? Today there is a great silence upon the Earth, indeed a great silence and a following solace, a great silence, because the King sleeps..."
Today, following the Passion and Death of Our Lord we consider the Lord who has been laid to rest in the Tomb.

"The King Sleeps"
The Lamentation of Christ
(Andrea Mantegna)

What happened?

God offered His Son and His Son offered Himself for us. That's what happened. Holy Saturday is a day of convergences. Historically it is a day in which we stay close to Mary, His Mother, contemplating the deep solace and great silence, which She alone would have endured.

Endurance. It is the truest test of faith and hope. If you don't believe in it you won't wait it out. This here is what happened. Mary believed. Mary hoped. This Act of Faith and Hope, given her by Her Son and Lord was a catalyst for the greatest miracle ever to happen. The Resurrection of our Lord.

It is true in biblical exegesis that Mary, His Mother, doesn't appear after the Crucifixion. She seems to disappear until Pentecost. If there was a person that intuitively believed as was accredited to her by Elizabeth in Luke 1, it would be her. She knew - within the dimensions of faith and hope - that He was "the Resurrection and the Life" (John 12) and that all would be made whole.

Holy Sepulchre (The Tomb of Jesus)
The way Mary lived Holy Saturday is the way we should live our Holy Saturday as well as the rest of our lives: in hope. Hope is the sign of endurance.

May you be blessed with a Beautiful Easter and may your lives be blessed with this Hope.


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