Friday, 10 July 2015

Day 2: Prayer and Penance

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your Children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!" (Mt 23: 37)


This was the view I had from the Chapel  Dominus Flevit (The Lord cried). Jesus lamented over Jerusalem before entering into it one last time to die there.


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This stunning panorama captures the view Jesus had of Jerusalem as he lamented. The Dome of the Rock is now where the Temple was then.


I began the day considering the Death of Our Lord in Calvary located in the Holy Sepulchre Church. There I met a saintly German contemplative, Corina, whom I had the grace to pray with daily since I have arrived. I went to confession just a few paces away from the Crucifixion Altar. I imagined that this confession was the closest one I would have to Jesus' Death since He had really died there. Mass was in Latin and I enjoyed returning back to the Gregorian Chant. Two of the men at mass begin ridiculing the priest and the sacred worship and had to ushered out by guards. I'm glad I hadn't seen them myself as I would have been highly tempted to do more than usher them.


I visited the Dormition Tomb of Mary which was located Near Joseph  and Anne and Joachim's tombs. Where has Mary been all this time any way?


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I came back to Gethsemani and this time I had the chance to enter into a grotto believed to be where Jesus was arrested. I could see how it could be there and not in the Garden of Gethsemani Church since he was "a stone's throw away as he prayed with greater intensity" (Lk 22).


I walked down to the Pool of Siloam and climbed up onto the City of David. I got to see where David would have looked down upon Bathsheba as she bathed and later committed adultery.


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Along the way was Absalom's tomb as well as some other ancient monuments.


I walked through the Muslim burial site along the Temple/Jerusalem Wall to let the Jews know (as they believe that the Messiah will be entering into Jerusalem through that wall) that He would not be a "Clean" Jew by walking in.


The Ramadan worshippers were legion. I felt that I had returned to Rome to some measure. It felt like a Papal Mass exodus but in this case with an even older city.



After spending  more time in Prayer at Calvary and enjoyed a respite and some long needed food: Hummus and their version of Tortillas: Flat Bread. I could see Jesus eating this bread. 


I went back out to see the Sabbath beginning at the Western Wall. It was crawling with all sorts of Jewish men and women. I joined in in Worship and prayed some. Later I joined in at a Local Synagogue but found myself nodding off and heading back home. All in a day's work in God's Holy City.


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