Wednesday 4 December 2013

Day 6: Immaculate Conception Novena

I would like to invite you throughout these next days to join in a Novena of the Immaculate Conception. Mary is the greatest woman in history. We can find in her the Mother we are most in need of day by day.

Virgin and Child
Chapel of the Eucharistiner
Meran, South Tyrol, Italy

"He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scattered the proud in their conceit."
(Lk 2:51)

"May these days bring you all close to her who—throughout her life in communion with her Son, not only by ties of blood but especially by love—is the most perfect Teacher of that love which enables us to be united in the deepest way with Christ in the mystery of his Eucharistic presence. Let Mary lead us to the Eucharist!" (Bl. John Paul II - for full text)
Sub Tuum Praesidium prayer (300 AD)
We turn to you for protection,
Holy Mother of God.
Listen to our prayers
and help us in our needs.
Save us from every danger,
glorious and blessed Virgin.

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