Saturday 6 June 2015

SH Novena Day 6 of 9: Holiness

Jesus offering us His Heart of Love

You gave me the Father's Word. The Father's Word of Mercy and Love, the same words with which you desire me to be Holy, a Saint. "The World hated us, hates us and will always hate us to some degree because we are different. We live with a distant goal, a crystalline fountain. Your Father's Word, Lord, is that fountain from which our lives flow and despite our personal and difficult failings it continues to flow. Let your Father's Word, the Words of the Prodigal Father be those that resound in our hearts and minds:

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Eucharist - the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord - may we encounter in Him that everything and may we encounter our Heaven on Earth as we are made one as participants in the Eternal Life of the Father's House. Amen.

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