Tuesday 9 June 2015

SH Novena Day 8 of 9: "God is Spirit"

Sacred Heart of Fire and Love

Dear Lord, 

I want to offer you the very best from my heart this day. One for one. My heart for yours. "God is Spirit". In your Sacred Heart we have the most 'Human' of the Divine. All things fade before the gift of God. All things fade before the gift of the one who "makes all things new". "God is Spirit" and nothing bars us from Him. "What can come between God and us?" (Cf. Rom 8) no boundaries exist, all is but a medium to encounter You! Every moment, every chance encounter, the rain, the wind, the stars, the victories and defeats, our strengths and weaknesses. All things are a conduit of God's grace, Nothing bars us from Him. All things are His and nothing can pretend to shield us from You. I Trust in You. Amen.

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