Wednesday 15 July 2015

Day 7: Journey to the Sea of Galilee

A journey without par. Walking from the small town of Illaniya to the Sea has been one of the most difficult feats that I have taken on this year. The Sun shone powerfully on me as I made my solitary walk.



The scenery became much more interersting as I drew nearer to the Horns of Hattin. There on a plateau that affords a precious first good view of the Sea of Galilee the Frankish King Guy was defeated by Saladin. As I neared the site of the battle I thought about how absurd it had all been. All that fighting to have a nearly empty Galilee and a State of Israel, neither Muslim nor Christian.



I climbed up Mt Arbel, the hightest point near or around the Sea of Galilee to witness the precious view from up above. It was beautiful and unforgettable. The crushing heat tired me out and I was just about incapable of continuing forward. It makes me consider the fact that a Pilgrim doesn't go on a Pilgrimage by his own volition. It's a vocation, a gift.



Finally I have arrived to the Sea of Galilee and visited the Magdala Center. The beautiful Pilgrim's center made for a special treat. I watched the sun set as I bathed in the beautiful lake upon which Jesus, my Lord and my God, walked. I hope to one day do the same.

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