Tuesday 14 July 2015

Days 5&6 Nazareth, Cana and the Jesus Trail

Beautiful days spent in Nazareth and now walking towards the Sea of Galilee have gone by once more.


Nazareth has changed completely since the time of Our Lord. Some of the pilgrims I encountered showed disgust for the present situation. In my case I imagined it to be somewhat as we see it today (except very Jewish). Let me explain.



Today Nazareth is majority Muslim. They are at present in Ramadan and it strongly effects the local economy and lifestyle. With that said Nazareth continues to be a highly religious town (including the Christian piece of the pie) found in the Middle East. Jews in general live apart from Nazareth.


I began my walk to the Sea of Galilee today from Nazareth. I was able to pass through Cana. I prayed in the local Church that commemorates the first miracle of our Lord of changing water into wine as well instituting the sacrament of marriage. I spent some time thinking about my own future and prayed that God bless my efforts as an eventual husband, spouse and father.



I have since continued onward despite the heat and am staying at a goat farm/eco-tourism camp.



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